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Scientists and Inventors Fact Fan

Scientists and Inventors Fact Fan

The Scientists and Inventors Fact Fan provides students with a fun way to research and present information on the history of science. Research topics include: Date of birth Date of death Nationality Discoveries The set comes with both colour and black and white [which students can colour in] sets. Print onto A4 paper or for a more durable set light weight card. Students complete the research, cut out each fact fan and then hole punch them and fasten the set with a brad fastener or split pin. Great as a starter, review activity and can also be used as a revision resource. Scientists and Inventors included: Aristotle Archimedes Leonardo da Vinci Galileo Newton Lavoisier Faraday Darwin Mendel Pasteur Mendeleev Edison Graham Bell Pavlov Tesla Einstein McClintock Goodall Curie Fact fans included: ➸ 1 colour and 1 black and white cover fact fan ➸ 19 colour fact fans ➸ 19 black and white fact fans Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Physical and Chemical Changes Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning

Physical and Chemical Changes Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning

The Physical and Chemical Changes Boom Cards provides students with a fun, interactive way to review and consolidate their knowledge of different examples of these two types of changes. Includes the following topics: ➸ physical changes ➸ chemical changes How to use: Click on the link provided to access the Boom Cards™deck. This will redirect you to the Boom Learning™ website. Select the ‘Redeem’ option. This will prompt you to set up an account [If you don’t already have one]. If you already have an account simply sign in to access your new deck of Boom Cards™. **Preview the cards: ** Physical and Chemical Changes Boom Cards™ The PDF includes links that you click on to access the Boom Cards™ deck you have purchased. Using Boom Cards: To use Boom Cards, you must be connected to the Internet. Boom Cards play on modern browsers [Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge]. Apps are available for Android, iPads, iPhones, and Kindle Fires. For security and privacy, adults must have a Boom Learning account to use and assign Boom Cards. You will be able to assign the Boom Cards you are buying with “Fast Pins,” [play provides instant feedback for self-grading Boom Cards]. Fast Play is always a free way for students to engage with Boom Cards decks. For additional assignment options you’ll need a premium account. If you are new to Boom Learning, you will be offered a free trial of our premium account. Using Fast Play The quickest way to begin is to assign Boom Cards. Simply choose a deck from your Library, select the Actions drop down menu, and select Fast Pin. You’ll be presented with a 4-digit code and a short URL that you can share with your students they will then be taken to the deck of cards you’ve assigned. Assigning Boom Cards in an LMS [Google Classroom, Schoology, SeeSaw, Canvas, Moodle, Powerschool, Class Dojo, Microsoft Teams and more] Clipart by: The Snappy Teacher Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Sink or Float Activities

Sink or Float Activities

An engaging set of activities support the study of objects that will sink or float. Includes both color and black and white versions. Comes complete with solutions. Activity 1: Cut and Paste Students cut out each of the objects and then arrange, organize and paste them into the correct positions on the graphic organizer provided. Activity 2: Sort and Store Students cut out each of the sink or float cards and then sort and store them in the science notebook sleeves provided. Activity 3: Colour In Students colour in the objects that sink or float in different colors. Activity 4: Table Tick Students study the objects in a table and then place a tick in the correct column [sink or float]. Activity 5: Record Sheet A blank recording sheet for student to record the results of their own sink or float experiment. Sink or float objects included: ➸ rubber duck ➸ crayon ➸ apple ➸ key ➸ leaf ➸ coin ➸ aluminium foil ➸ beach/rubber ball ➸ plastic bottle ➸ pencil ➸ wood ➸ spoon Clipart by: Little Red Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Cloud Types PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Cloud Types PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 16 slide PowerPoint presentation on different types of clouds. Includes a bonus activity sheet and word search. Covers following topics: ➸ How clouds form. ➸ How clouds are classified. ➸ 8 different cloud types: cirrus cumulus stratus altocumulus altostratus cirrocumulus stratocumulus cumulonimbus ➸ 2 Embedded videos cloud formation and cloud spotting. Includes the following bonus resources: ➸ Activity sheet with word puzzle, labelling activity and gap fill. ➸ Cloud types word search. Clipart by: Educlips Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Solar System PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Solar System PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 19 slide PowerPoint presentation on the Solar System with descriptions, facts and images on the major celestial bodies. Comes with a Solar System diagram to colour and label as well as a bonus word search on the planets in our Solar System. Covers the following topics: ➸ the planets ➸ the Sun ➸ the Moon ➸ the Milky Way Galaxy Also includes a 12 question quiz and embedded Solar System video. Great accompaniments to the above resource: Solar System Scavenger Hunt Solar System Snakes and Ladders Solar System Learning Grid Solar System Cootie Catcher Solar System Bingo Solar System Word Searches Solar System Tarsia Puzzle Solar System Top Deck Cards [Trumps Style Card Game] Solar System Card Sort Solar System Task Cards Spectacular Solar System Internet Research Activity Solar System Quiz Clipart by: Artifex
Forces Task Cards

Forces Task Cards

A set of 32 task cards designed for students to independently, or in groups, practise solving problems on forces. Includes questions on the following themes; Contact and non-contact forces Balanced and unbalanced forces Forces diagrams Calculating net forces Newton’s 3 Laws of Motion Differentiated calculations using Newton’s Second Law [F = m x a] Included in this kit: 32 task cards focusing on different aspects of forces. Student solution sheet on which to record answers. Teacher answer key. There are 4 cards on each sheet [8 sheets in total]. They can be printed in greyscale or color [single or double sided]. Save paper and time by laminating the cards and keeping them as class sets. Provide each student with a blank solution grid for writing the answer to the problem stated on each card. Great as a group extension or consolidation activity or for early finishers. Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Scientists and Inventors Research Sheets

Scientists and Inventors Research Sheets

A series of research sheets for students to investigate a variety of famous scientists and inventors. Each research sheet has a selection of questions for students to complete. Each one can be enlarged to A3 size to make a poster. Also comes with a blank template and a bonus word search on famous scientists and inventors. Great as a topic starter or cover lesson. The following are included in the set: Marie Curie Nikola Tesla Albert Einstein Charles Darwin Michael Faraday Barbara McClintock Jane Goodall Alexander Bell Gregor Mendel Isaac Newton Louis Pasteur Ivan Pavlov Dmitri Mendeleev Leonardo da Vinci Galileo Galilei Nicolaus Copernicus Antoine Lavoisier Thomas Edison Blank template Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage ToonClipart
Simple Machines PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Simple Machines PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 31 slide PowerPoint presentation on simple machines. Comes with a bonus simple machines activity sheet and word search with solutions on key terminology. Includes slides on the following topics: ➸ Introduction ➸ Simple and complex machines ➸ Levers ➸ Classes of levers ➸ Inclined planes ➸ Wedges ➸ Pulleys ➸ Wheels and axles ➸ How the Pyramids were built using simple machines ➸ Identifying simple machines Quiz Great accompaniments to this resource: Simple Machines Activities [Cut and Paste] Simple Machines Task Cards Simple Machines Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning Simple Machines Cootie Catcher Clipart by: Studio Devanna Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Body Systems Task Cards

Body Systems Task Cards

A set of 32 task cards designed for students to independently or in groups review and consolidate their knowledge of the human body systems. The cards include questions on structure, function and organs. Included in this kit: ➸ 32 task cards in colour. ➸ Student solution sheet on which to record answers. ➸ Teacher answer key. The resource includes the following essential body systems: ➸ circulatory system ➸ respiratory system ➸ digestive system ➸ nervous system ➸ skeletal system ➸ muscular system ➸ reproductive system ➸ lymphatic system ➸ urinary system ➸ endocrine system There are 4 cards on each sheet [8 sheets in total]. They can be printed in greyscale or colour [single or double sided]. Save paper and time by laminating the cards and keeping them as class sets. Provide each student with a blank solution grid for writing the answer to the problem stated on each card. Great as a group extension or consolidation activity or for early finishers. Great accompaniments to this resource: Body Systems PowerPoint and Activity Sheets Body Systems Task Cards Body Systems Cootie Catcher Clipart by: Clipartino
Classifying Animals [Cut and Paste] Invertebrates

Classifying Animals [Cut and Paste] Invertebrates

An engaging set of three cut and paste graphic organisers to support the study of the different invertebrate groups and how to classify them based on their characteristics. Students cut out each of the titles, images, description and examples. Then arrange, organise and paste them into the correct positions on the three different designs of graphic organisers provided. [16 pages in total] Alternatively, students can write the information into the graphic organisers. Complete with solutions for each of the activities and comes in colour and black and white versions. The black and white versions can also be coloured in by students. Includes the following invertebrate groups: ➸ arthropods ➸ cnidarians ➸ echinoderms ➸ molluscs ➸ annelids Includes the following activities: ➸ flow diagram graphic organiser ➸ flip book graphic organiser ➸ accordion graphic organiser Great accompaniments to this resource: Classifying Animals [Cut and Paste] Vertebrates Classifying Animals Activity Booklet Classifying Animals Task Cards Classifying Animals Card Sort Classifying Animals PowerPoint Presentation Classifying Animals Tarsia Puzzle Classifying Animals Fact Fan Classifying Animals Learning Grid Classifying Animals Graphing Activity Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Levels of Organisation Activities [Cut and Paste]

Levels of Organisation Activities [Cut and Paste]

An engaging set of three cut and paste graphic organisers to support the study of levels of organisation in organisms. Students cut out each of the titles, images, definition and examples. Then arrange, organise and paste them into the correct positions on the three different designs of graphic organisers provided. [16 pages in total] Alternatively, students can write the information into the graphic organisers. Includes solutions for all each of the activities and comes in colour and black and white versions. The black and white versions can also be coloured in by students. Includes the following activities: ➸ flow diagram graphic organiser ➸ flip book graphic organiser ➸ accordion graphic organiser A great free accompaniment to this resource: Levels of Organisation PowerPoint and Word Search Clipart by: The Weird Science Teacher Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Forces PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Forces PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 28 slide PowerPoint presentation on forces. Includes slides on introductory aspects of forces. Definition of a force as a push or a pull. Contact and non-contact forces. Types of forces. Weight vs mass. Balance and unbalanced forces. Resultant forces and how to calculate them. Comes with a forces activity sheet as well as a bonus word search and solutions on key terminology. Great accompaniments to this resource: Forces Task Cards Forces Activity Booklet Forces Bingo Forces Cootie Catcher Clipart by: Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Physical and Chemical Changes PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Physical and Chemical Changes PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 15 slide PowerPoint presentation on physical and chemical changes. Includes slides on the following topics: ➸ Defining and explaining a physical changes ➸ Defining and explaining a chemical changes ➸ Physical changes examples ➸ Chemical changes examples ➸ Quiz Comes with a bonus physical and chemical change activity sheet as well as a word search, with solutions, on key terminology. Great accompaniments to this resource: Physical and Chemical Changes Cut and Paste Activity Physical and Chemical Changes Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning Physical and Chemical Changes Venn Diagram Clipart by: Snappy Teacher Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Microscope Parts Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

Microscope Parts Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

A set of interactive digital [Google Slides and Google Forms] resources covering the parts of microscopes. Includes solutions to each of the activities. Includes the following: ➸ Microscope parts slide presentation ➸ Microscope parts card sort activity [match the part with its description] ➸ Microscope parts label activity ➸ Microscope parts multiple choice quiz [a series of 10 question which can be used with the microscope parts presentation] How to use: Click on the links in the downloadable PDF file to access the resources. In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button. The file will open in Google Slides. Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access. Other digital resource packs in this series: Rocks and the Rock Cycle Digital Resources Pack Plant and Animal Cells Digital Resources Pack The Planets Digital Resources Pack Clipart by: Science Demo Guy Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Rocks and the Rock Cycle Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

Rocks and the Rock Cycle Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

A set of interactive digital [Google Slides and Google Forms] resources covering rocks and the rock cycle. Includes solutions to each of the activities. Includes the following: ➸ Rocks and the rock cycle slide presentation. ➸ Rock cycle label activity. ➸ Rock sorter activity [match the rock with its category]. ➸ Rocks and the rock cycle scavenger hunt [a series of 21 question which can be used with the rocks and the rock cycle presentation]. ➸ Rocks and the rock cycle multiple choice quiz [a series of 14 question which can be used with therocks and the rock cycle presentation]. How to use: Click on the links in the downloadable PDF file to access the resources. In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button. The file will open in Google Slides or Google Forms. Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access. Other digital resource packs in this series: Plant and Animal Cells Digital Resources Pack Microscope Parts Digital Resources Pack The Planets Digital Resources Pack Clipart by: The Painted Crow Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Simple Machines Activities [Cut and Paste]

Simple Machines Activities [Cut and Paste]

An engaging set of three cut and paste graphic organisers to support the study of the different simple machines and their characteristics. Students cut out each of the titles, images, description and examples. Then arrange, organise and paste them into the correct positions on the three different designs of graphic organisers provided. [16 pages in total] Alternatively, students can write the information into the graphic organisers. Complete with solutions for each of the activities and comes in colour and black and white versions. The black and white versions can also be coloured in by students. Includes the following 6 simple machines: ➸ inclined plane ➸ wedge ➸ lever ➸ pulley ➸ wheel and axle ➸ screw Includes the following activities: ➸ flow diagram graphic organiser ➸ flip book graphic organiser ➸ accordion graphic organiser Great accompaniments to this resource: Simple Machines PowerPoint and Activity Sheets Simple Machines Task Cards Simple Machines Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning Simple Machines Cootie Catcher Clipart by: Studio Devanna Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Classifying Animals [Cut and Paste] Vertebrates

Classifying Animals [Cut and Paste] Vertebrates

An engaging set of three cut and paste graphic organisers to support the study of the different vertebrate groups and how to classify them based on their characteristics. Students cut out each of the titles, images, description and examples. Then arrange, organise and paste them into the correct positions on the three different designs of graphic organisers provided. [16 pages in total] Alternatively, students can write the information into the graphic organisers. Complete with solutions for each of the activities and comes in colour and black and white versions. The black and white versions can also be coloured in by students. Includes the following vertebrate groups: ➸ mammals ➸ birds ➸ reptiles ➸ amphibians ➸ fish Includes the following activities: ➸ flow diagram graphic organiser ➸ flip book graphic organiser ➸ accordion graphic organiser Great accompaniments to this resource: Classifying Animals Activity Booklet Classifying Animals Task Cards Classifying Animals Card Sort Classifying Animals PowerPoint Presentation Classifying Animals Tarsia Puzzle Classifying Animals Fact Fan Classifying Animals Learning Grid Classifying Animals Graphing Activity Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Animal Adaptations Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

Animal Adaptations Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

A set of interactive digital [Google Slides] resources covering the different types of animal adaptations with examples. Includes solutions to each of the activities. Includes the following: ➸ Animal adaptations slide presentation [18 slides]. ➸ Animal adaptations label activity [3 different animals [platypus, manatee, great white shark]. ➸ Animal adaptations sort activity [match the adaptation with its type [structural, physiological, behavioural]. ➸ Animal adaptations scavenger hunt [ a series of 20 questions which can be used with the animal adaptations presentation]. ➸ Animal adaptations [structural and behavioural] Venn diagram. How to use: Click on the links in the downloadable PDF file to access the resources. In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button. The file will open in Google Slides or Google Forms. Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access. Other digital resource packs in this series: Plant and Animal Cells Digital Resources Pack Microscope Parts Digital Resources Pack The Planets Digital Resources Pack Rocks and the Rock Cycle Digital Resources Pack Acids and Bases Digital Resources Pack Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage
Asteroids, Meteors and Comets PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

Asteroids, Meteors and Comets PowerPoint and Activity Sheets

A fully editable 15 slide PowerPoint presentation on asteroids, meteors and comets. Includes a bonus activity sheet, Venn diagram and word search. Covers following topics: ➸ Asteroid description, composition and location. ➸ Meteor description, composition with explanations of the difference between meteoroids, meteors and meteorites. ➸ Comet description, composition and location. ➸ Embedded animated video comparing asteroids, meteors and comets. ➸ Quick quiz. Includes the following bonus resources: ➸ Activity sheet with word puzzle, labelling activity and gap fill. ➸ Venn diagram comparing asteroids, meteors and comets. ➸ Space rocks word search. Great accompaniments to this resource: Asteroids, Meteors and Comets Boom Cards™ - Distance Learning Clipart by: Photo Clipz Ron Leishman ToonClipart
Acids and Bases Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

Acids and Bases Digital Resources Pack - Distance Learning

A set of interactive digital [Google Slides and Google Forms] resources covering acids, bases and indicators. Includes solutions to each of the activities. Includes the following: ➸ Acids and bases slide presentation [27 slides]. ➸ Acids and bases pH sort activity [match the household item with its pH]. ➸ Acids and bases Venn diagram. ➸ Acids and bases scavenger hunt [a series of 21 question which can be used with the acids and bases presentation]. ➸ Acids and bases multiple choice quiz. How to use: Click on the links in the downloadable PDF file to access the resources. In the browser window that opens click on the ‘make a copy ‘ button. The file will open in Google Slides or Google Forms. Share the file individually with students, download it or add to Google Classroom for students to access. Other digital resource packs in this series: Plant and Animal Cells Digital Resources Pack Microscope Parts Digital Resources Pack The Planets Digital Resources Pack Rocks and the Rock Cycle Digital Resources Pack Clipart by: Ron Leishman Digital Toonage